Saturday, October 08, 2005

I don't understand people. 99% of the time I feel like an alien. I can barely grasp the language spoken by others, much less try to figure out what motivates people to behave the way they do.

Sometimes I wish I was born a hundred years ago..... when a handshake and your word meant something... when being faithful and having a sense of loyalty were actually GOOD characteristics and not weaknesses.....
when people worked as a team, and shared visions, and were motivated by just being decent to each other....
when life was somewhat simple, and there was honor in almost everything you had to do each day......
when your days were governed by survival and happiness instead of money, power, and vanity.....

I am so incredibly conflicted by the society I have to exist in that some days I think my head might implode.
People are so hung up on appearance and money and status that they have lost their humanity. It takes a lifetime to figure out who you are and what purpose you serve this planet. And if any one of you thinks your purpose here is more valuable than the next guys, you're crazy. You need to stop thinking about what can you gain today, who can you beat today, and start thinking how do you effect each living thing you come in contact with... and if you can't find anything positive in those encounters... for the good of all of us, stay in your living room and order delivery! I don't' want to see you out here.... life is hard enough. The selfishness of people, and the complete lack of any shred of integrity.... makes me sad and it makes for a lot of very lonely evenings.

I wish someone could explain to me how I am built so much differently.... what chip am I missing so that I am hard-wired to listen to my heart and my gut instead of my brain. Its just not in my make up to be any other way. I wish it was, life would be so much easier.

So... for the greater good I will get that book finished that will enlighten the soul-lacking masses and get them all back to being humans. The trick is getting them all to actually read it..... where is Oprah when I need her....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I rarely write on these things but after your mother read me your blog entry, I had to visit your space and leave a note of support.

I really enjoyed what you had to say, but some advice on your book. Given the limited working knowledge I have of this country, you might want to consider an introduction from a former American Idol Star and definately lots of pictures. (Nobody, sadley, ever reads anymore.) - Tommy

p.s. Have you sold the TV rights yet?