Monday, February 20, 2006

Missed opportunities..... story of my life.

I need to start carrying my camera around with me.... I have one of those camera phones, but cant figure out how to get the pictures out into the real world, so they stay in my phone as fuzzy little "oh - I think that's a picture of so-and-so".

Anyway, my technical inadequacies aside, nature can do some pretty amazing things. She is by far the best artist I have ever encountered. With the sub-zero temps this past week, and our proximity to the lake, there have been some indescribable mornings driving down Lake Shore. I thought I had had too much starbucks on my way in to work Saturday.... I couldn't tell what was up or down. The temperature of the water being so much warmer than the air, the surface of the lake looked like clouds, and the sky was so clear blue it looked like water... All rational thought left me for a moment and I wondered if I had somehow flipped my Toyota and was just too strung out on my ginormous white mocha to know the difference. Drop the skyline next to that and you have pure visual poetry.

So the moral of that story, I need to carry my camera. In the words of Ferris Bueller, " Life moves pretty fast.... if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it."

1 comment:

T o m m y A l l e n said...

....and hear I thought guys were the only ones who never read the product manuals.

What's next? You will tell us you do not read maps either?