Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter.... apparently I am now only posting on holidays of some sort. What? My birthday is a holiday to me!

I need you all to participate in this posting.... I need you to please leave a comment with your ideas and opinions, or simply email me.... Now the question is.....

Should I get a dog?
And for those of you that know me pretty well, be fair and try to think of it from my view and what it may do for me, as well as what your personal thoughts on it are, which I am sure will be filled with logical, rational, practical advice..... which is not me... but I need to hear both sides.

So that's your Easter Sunday assignment! I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for helping!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course you knew I would reply immediately. I'll be honest on pros and cons.

Pros: They are best soul mates you will ever find. Protection. They give unconditional love. They make great kleenexes for the sad times. Companionship. They are always glad to see you if you are gone 5 minutes or 5 days. They will keep your feet warm. It will make you get out there and exercise (even if you don't want to)

Cons: You can't take the train with one. Who will dog sit when you are gone? You will worry about it if you ARE gone. You have to pick up poop in Chicago. What if Gracie hates it? The vet bills will kill you...there is no such thing as a free dog. You have to be home on time so it can go out.

These are some things to think about. Only you know the right answer for you...and I'm probably not a good person to ask with 3 dogs, 12 cats, 2 birds, 10 goats and a miniature horse....MOM