Sunday, November 19, 2006

Nothing to say . . . . . .

I am at an impasse... I feel as though I no longer know how to write, or what to write. It frustrates me beyond belief, and I feel like a lesser version of myself, and that I can never be who I want to be. I try to think of what may be the problem... and what's stopping or blocking me, but nothing. I can't even write about that, which is usually how I pull myself out.

I get in my own way so often in my life. In relationships, at work, creatively, whatever it may be, I find that 95% of the time I am my own obstacle. I wish I knew how to get around myself. Maybe its lack of interest.... when there is no one looking forward to reading what you write, why write? Maybe its boredom with my own style, or insecurity in it, feeling as though nothing I have to say is worth a damn.... or maybe its just knowing that no one will get it, so why put it out there?

whatever it is.... I wish there was a vaccine for it.

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