Friday, November 24, 2006


So.... everyone survived. They ate the food I prepared, without complaining or making odd faces. No one seemed to get sick (that I know of), and no one had to use a plastic fork or a paper plate for dinner, so that was nice. I would not have made it through the day without Uncle Frank, so thank you Mr. Frank for your advice, and making me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry in the yams. And thank you to Mom and Uncle Frank & Muncie for all the years you have made me Thanksgiving dinner... I had NO idea! thank you again.

Looking at it with a new day this morning, I don't know what I was so nervous about. Maybe just because I'd never done any of that before, and it wasn't my family. If it had been, they would have known I've never done that before and if it did all turn out really badly, we could just laugh.... versus leaving someone else's family without a thanksgiving dinner to eat. I realize I put a lot of the pressure on myself, the panic sort of set in and my mind went into every nightmare scenario it could have. I'm just not the domestic type, never have been, so I had no idea how this was going to go.

My only regret is that I don't have enough turkey left over (which meant it was good...) to go home tonight, lay on the couch and watch a movie with a big turkey sandwich..... that would have been nice. And I no longer have the "I've never done thanksgiving dinner before" excuse, so I have a feeling this will be the beginning of years in the kitchen instead of curled up by Muncie & Frank's fireplace in the softie. I somehow feel older today, like I have crossed over.... some right of passage .... and anyone rolling their eyes right now and thinking I am being too dramatic clearly has NEVER single-handedly made a thanksgiving dinner.

Happy turkey sandwiches,

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