Thursday, September 21, 2006

Full circle in the city........

From 3515 North..... to 3505 South..... I've moved and starting again in what feels like an entirely different city. The view is the same, its just to the north now instead of the south.

As with every transition in my life, I have a lot to say, but don't have the time yet to do it justice. The emotions and thoughts I have experienced in the past 30 days are almost too much for me to process. It's one of those "who would have imagined this would be my life" kind of moments. So much has changed, and although its all for the better, I have to catch up with my thoughts, and have yet to do that. Its uncertainty that tends to slow me down. I get caught up in the logistics of getting things done... then when things are actually done.... I let out this deep breath and have nothing else to focus on and am forced to let it all in.

Introspection is a dangerous game when you only play it with yourself. Its better to have someone to bounce things off of, but that's just not my way. So this will be my sounding board over the coming months..... and for those of you who often express a sadness to what I write, please keep in mind that all that is written here is simply thought..... not fact. Writing here is my way of having a conversation with myself so to speak.... its a cleansing that I decided to do, and allow all of you in on.... in hopes that at the end of the posting you will feel you know me a little better than you did before you got to the page. It's terribly unsettling at times, to have such private feelings out here, but I made the choice when I moved far away, that this is my alternative. I don't see most of you or even talk to you that often, so at risk of "over-sharing".... its my way of still being in conversations with all of you for more than just the weather and "how have you been?".

I just wanted to say hello, and that I am so happy about the turn my life has taken this summer. I look forward to writing again... and really writing the way I was meant to... because now my heart feels full again, and I've come back to the little girl who can't wait to wake up every day....just to see how often I can laugh, and make someone else smile, and be so very grateful for those I love, and that love me back.

Love to all of you,

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