Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Happy Election Day!

I love Election day..... it's so tense and exciting! Everyone is in over-drive with their last minute efforts to convert someone to "their" side. The debates in line at polling places and the energy on the streets as people set aside every day life and responsibility to fulfill the ultimate responsibility as an American.... to get out and vote. No matter what.

To be here in Chicago today has me in a constant state of just-about-to-cry..... or "all choked up" as they say. I can't even explain it exactly, its excitement and pride and hope and patriotism... all jammed into a place where its difficult for all those emotions to exist all at once. I also feel kind of sad that I am so separated from my family.... I feel as though I am about to witness, first hand, a truly historic moment and they can't be here to celebrate it with me. "Life in detachment" I have grown to call it.... but I guess that's just life. But it sure would be nice to be able to hug my Dad, and see the look on his face when they announce the good news.

I got in line this morning long before I am usually even awake... my dog isn't even usually awake yet. I stood outside in what could have been much colder weather, so I was lucky, for about an hour, and then inside a cramped church for another 45 minutes and finally worked my way to the ballot. Holding that ballot in my hand I am reminded of the privilege we are blessed with, and how powerful that feeling is, that I have a say in all this.....in the bigger picture, and who is in charge. I think about some people on this planet who will never be able to have a say, or those that are killed or mutilated for attempting to have a say..... those are the thoughts that again bring me back to the feeling I get about every 4 months that I am one of the luckiest people on this planet. It's true that we all have our own personal degree of suffering, but its nice to bring some perspective into the picture once in a while, and even better when you do that yourself.

The sidewalks around Grant Park have been filled with people since this morning, and some even arriving last night to get in line for Obama's rally. The gates don't open until 8:30pm, and this afternoon the streets are almost full of people waiting. I love that this can bring people together that normally may not see eye to eye..... I love how we can join together in support of something wonderful, and at this point its still a hope that is bonding everyone.... not a definite, just an idea, a thought, a wish.... a hope for the better.... and in a few hours there will be possibly hundreds of thousands of people standing around with fingers crossed. That's a pretty powerful thing to embrace. And I'm glad I get it. I'm glad I get to witness it right here at home. I'm glad my friends and family get it.

To my friends and family not here with me.... I'll get a cheer in for you here in Obama's hometown when they give him the news. And Dad.... I'll put in a good word for you on that whole judge thing.....

That's it for now. If you haven't voted yet.... go vote!

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