Dying of heat..... but don't the neighborhood look nice!!
I grow more and more confused by the day lately..... Maybe my Dad, having been the Village Attorney, can explain things like this to me in a logical, sensible manner..... but I don't see how.
In Addison, Illinois, the city government has passed a law banning some window air conditioner units, and this is my favorite part, simply because they don't look very nice in the windows. I can't wrap by brain around that... not only on the basis that the local government or any body of government for that matter, would even entertain the thought of ruling on such an insignificant detail, but that it is rooted in a vain and superficial ideal anyway.
Seriously.... I am so angry I don't even know if I can write........
This is the first time in my adult life that I am truly conflicted about my country. I have always considered myself extremely patriotic, and that is completely different than being political and supporting the current government, because I am actually old enough now to remember presidents I have liked and those I have disliked. I am in love with what this county's founding fathers had in mind for us, their ideals and process of how keeping order and evolving civilization could go, and go well for all of us. I love being an American, and I know that I have it easier than 95% of the worlds population, and that's a lot of people. I even have it pretty good as an American. I may not be in the upper tax brackets or debt free or have some fancy degree and title to match, but I don't lack for food, shelter, heating and cooling, clean clothes (if I do its out of laziness, not resources), tv and every day conveniences, transportation, I could go on and on.... if I need or want it, I'm not without. But I am getting to the point where I feel like those ideals are being washed away, and quickly, by the local government first, and it rises up the chain until every aspect of every control on our lives may be enacted because they have the benefit and fall back of saying "well, look what they did in Addison, IL. in 2008, this isn't much different".
Having said that, I am getting to the point where I find myself in disagreement with my local governments more so than I find what they are doing to be a good thing. And I am one of those dutiful tax payer types, who doesn't fret about taxes because I feel what they give (or gave, as I am starting to turn) was worth it.... If my house is on fire, the CPD would be there in mere minutes, if I need a police officer, chances are one drives by, my city is beautiful and clean... and I used to count those types of things are really being worth it.
But lately....the pot-holes are unbearable, the condition of the roads and the regulations on which parking can take place in this city are completely out of control..... The meters are higher, the public transit is falling apart, routes are cut and prices keeps going up. You can almost get a parking ticket for the color of your vehicle in this city... and its all coming to a head with the fact that there are now people in Addison Illinois who are going to literally roast in the homes that they OWN, because someone, somewhere on some city council speaking from their central air conditioned home and office decided that "gee, that window air unit is really unsightly and I just would rather not look at it...... let's make that a crime!".
My brain can't compute that kind of decision making. It makes me doubt the entire Democratic process in this country..... its all crumbling down before my eyes because some in-human schmuck in Addison who is as deep as a Frisbee got themselves some authority along the way. Do these people feel good about this? Are they reading the headlines in THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE today and patting themselves on the back, thinking "pretty soon Addison will be looking sooo gooood!!!" Is that thought process even possible? I can't see how.
But I digress.....some of you think I am overreacting, as I am famous for doing... but a life lacking passion is simply a lacking life.... so, let's take a moment and list the things that over the months have built this camel in which the Addison-air-conditioner scandal is the straw that broke its back.
Smoking bans - indoors, fine.... but outside in a park or at the beach or on the sidewalk.... and I am no longer a smoker, and that to me is insane and not far from down right scary. Telling me what I can and can not do outside, in "public" falls nicely within the realm of a dictatorship. The only difference here is that it is not (yet) being enforced with fire power or weaponry of any kind. That is what pacifies Americans into thinking this kind of legislation is still ok, because we simply told you you can't do that but we are not "strong-arming" or "threatening" you into submission..... at least not yet.
Parking regulations - I haven't written about it yet (mostly because I am without words.... still.....) but I got a ticket for parking a pick-up truck on a residential street in Chicago. "$125 please..... Don't ever park on the street you live on again, or the surrounding streets. With Love, The Department of Revenue". So, now the city of Chicago has gotten into the business of dictating what kind of vehicle you drive if you live here. And, all this AFTER having sold me $225 worth of stickers/permits for that SPECIFIC TRUCK to park on those SPECIFIC STREETS.... it boggles the mind.
Meigs Field, an airport one day..... a bulldozed patch of dirt in the morning. The Great and Powerful Daley crept in, in the middle of the night, with bulldozers and tore up the runway..... WITH planes on the ground, that now had no figure out a way to get off the odd little peninsula behind soldier field. Community against it, Mayor for it, so its done.....
Children's Museum... now this one is big.... not big in the sense that its for the kids, all for things for the kids, keeps them out of my bars.... But a big one for the precedent it will set, and what this breach in history means for the future of this beautiful city. He is trying to move this museum from its wonderful residence at Navy Pier, to Grant Park... PARK.... I'm sorry, but what doesn't he get about the work PARK... roughly 100 years ago, a law was enacted in Chicago that the lakefront and park areas were to be kept free of building and private establishments (save the park district restrooms and small buildings needed to the parks function), and be open and available for all time to the residents and tourists in Chicago. Those parks belong to me, and John, and Christie, and the Smiths and The Johnsons down the street..... and so on.... and now he wants to put a PRIVATELY held museum on that property, and my favorite part, is he is giving them a liquor license. So, we can really see the motivation here...... and its NOT for the kids now is it. The good old fashioned Land Grab, as the talk radios are overcome with commentary from outraged Chicagoans. Its the precedent that simply can't happen here. If this goes through, in 20 years there will be no more public lake front, no more grant park, and no more parks in all the little neighborhoods from Hyde Park (will be gone!) to Evanston..... If Mayor can make a buck, he will find a way to make that buck, against all his constituents (although I guess you have to have an actual FAIR election to consider them constituents) wishes and opinions. He just does what he does... and I fail to see how that is democracy.
And that brings us to the Air Conditioners..... in short... suffer from heat stroke or install a costly central air system (if you even own and have that option) because that old window unit you have it just too unsightly for me.
That about does it for my rant today..... thinking of all those expatriated Americans living in the tropics.... wondering how soon I can join them.
Friday, June 13, 2008
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1 comment:
All of my thoughts in writing, that is why you are my wife!!
This should be published. Adolf Daley needs a viable opponent!
I Love you,
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