Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Technical Difficulties

They have changed my template, and not told me anything about it.... will we forever be at the mercy of our technology?  So.... once I figure out how to use this again, it will continue.
So please stand by....

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Is it really possible that I didn't write one single thing in 2012? 
Guess so......what a schmuck I have turned into.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

And here we are again..... at the pinnacle of confusion and frustration at life.  I'm too close to all that deflates me and too far from that which gives me wings.  It is a difficult pill to swallow when you realize, and not for lack of FULLY making comparisons, and experiencing the sour and the sweet, that your life is just really meant to take place elsewhere.  Somewhere you are not.  That's an interesting feeling, to try and understand that your are in a place for a specific reason, and yet know its the wrong place for you to be. 

Im tired of limiting my speech, my emotions, everything I say, do, feel, react to.... its all contrived in this very small and enclosed environment. 

The world is simply bigger than this, so why all the boundaries and limitations?  I just don't get it.....

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I get tired of things not making sense... people..... jobs...... the general "requirements" of our daily lives.... I just don't get it.  Yet everyone around me seems just fine and dandy to plug along and not asking any questions.  I guess that's just what we're "supposed" to do.  But I can't.

My cat makes more sense to me than any other living, breathing thing. 
Hence "A Life with Grace".....